Plenary presentations
Timeslot for invited plenary presentations at ELMINA2024 will be 30 minutes, discussion included.
Oral presentations
Timeslot for oral presentations at ELMINA2024 will be 15 minutes, discussion included.
Poster presentations
- Interested poster presenters should submit abstracts for their posters as soon as possible as the number of available poster presentation slots is limited.
- Poster presentations are scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
- Poster presentation schedule by session can be viewed in the conference program, found HERE.
- Poster presenters must remain at their poster on their assigned day during the required poster session.
- Poster format should be MAXIMUM 1188 mm high and 841 mm wide (A0 format). Larger posters will not be accepted.
All abstract submissions will be reviewed according to the following criteria: (a) relevance to a specific symposium, (b) scientific content, quality and innovative proposals, (c) clarity of the text, and (d) compliance with the format. During the conference, the best three (3) posters, selected by a poster award committee, will receive awards. After the closing date for abstract submissions, neither content nor author lists will be accessible for corrections.